
Yes, yes, yes, I am indeed the worst journal poster this side of Minas Tirith but still…

Just a couple of things. First, thanks to those who wrote enquiring after my whereabouts in the last few months. I’ve been around but submerged in work at the office and, more importantly, on the latest (and last scheduled so far) Raven book. That latter has now been delivered and will be edited in the next few weeks by the excellent Simon Spanton.

Website revamp Next thing is, my equally excellent Webmaster, Ariel, has asked me to put together ideas for a revamp of this website. So I am. I would also be very interested to read any thoughts from you. Please email me with what you’d like to see included and I’ll see what I can do – I’m hoping for a message board this time around as well.

Not all is good, though. I’m afraid to have to report that my friend, Richard Bould died of his cancer. Thank you to all those who sent in thoughts and prayers. He’ll be sadly missed but I’ll be making sure the memory lives on in at least one regard…

Next year sees the start of a whole new experience for me… writing about characters other than The Raven. Amidst the nervousness lies great excitement. I’ve an idea I think is incredibly strong – let’s hope you all do too.

OK, short and sweet. Saw Return of the King yesterday. Awesome, staggering, stunning. Yes it ends too many times (you’ll know what I mean when you see it) but it is the most beautifully shot and endlessly emotional piece of film making I have seen.

And now, of course, the splendid Mr Jackson surely needs another mighty fantasy saga to vent his considerable talents upon. Got this set of tales about a bunch of mercenaries as it happens…

Enough. Hope everyone has a great Christmas and New Year. It probably isn’t pc to say anything but ‘festive season’ these days but for me, it’ll always be Christmas so tough.

Don’t forget to write…

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• December 18th, 2003 • Posted in News • Comments: 0