
My first published novel and the first in The Chronicles of The Raven. The writing process was lengthy. It was in production for five years before being accepted for publication. I submitted it all over the place and have the rejection letters to prove it. I guess the lesson is, if you believe in what you’re doing, don’t let anyone put you off.
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The sequel to Dawnthief and, I was warned, the ‘traditionally difficult second book’. Not only that, from being able to tinker to my heart’s content with the Dawnthief text, I was now under contract and due to deliver a finished manuscript in 15 months. At the same time, as is reasonably well documented, I had a full time job.
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This novel, the last in the Chronicles series, caused me the most problems. 2000 was a difficult year, with the sad break up of a long-term relationship and the tragic death of a close friend and writing partner. I’m not looking for sympathy, but mention this because bad times are a double edged sword. On the one hand, they rob you of concentration and sometimes the desire to write (which is profoundly worrying). On the other hand, I found they acted as reminder of the depths of emotion, both positive and negative.
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