The Legends of the Raven

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Elfsorrow brought its own pressures during initial drafting and the trickiest editing process I’ve been through so far. This is the first ‘Legends’ book and I was very keen to make sure it was the right start, developed the issues laid in Nightchild, and repaid the faith that Gollancz had shown in me to sign me up for another three Raven novels. At the same time, I wanted to write a book that had greater depth than its predecessors and, well yes, was in every way an improvement on the Chronicles series.

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Shadowheart presented an interesting task. Life background was that I was single and not happy about it; and getting bored with my job and losing motivation as a result. There was also the small matter of the Japan World Cup which was a diversion I let become too big for too long. This was the first writing year (February to November 2002 to be exact) when I turned my thoughts seriously to how to extricate myself from the office life.

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Demonstorm is the third and last of the Legends of the Raven and the last book about The Raven (while you should never say never, I have no plans for more) and as such, I was very keen it should live up to what had come before.

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A quick scan down these bibliography entries will lead you to Demonstorm and my assertion that it was to be the last Raven novel and that there were no plans for more. Luckily, I also mentioned the immortal words ‘never say never’. Because, four years later, along came Ravensoul.

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