
These are some of James Barclay’s favourite websites…

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  • Barclay-related sites

    • The Raven Gazetteer The site to visit for background information on the world of The Raven. Not currently live…
  • Football and Sport

    • Ipswich Town FC The official site for by far the greatest team the world has ever seen.
    • News Now Excellent sports site
  • Misc

    • Charlotte Knee – Photographer Charlotte took my new headshots, which feature on this website. I have plenty of other excellent shots on disc. Highly recommended.
  • SF and Fantasy sites

    • Elitist Book Reviews Awesome review site. Love these guys
    • Fantasy Book Review Excellent reviews website for the genre
    • Joe Abercrombie Author website for the excellent Mr A. He writes a decent book, too.
    • SFFworld The best genre forums on the web by far. And the fact that I moderate there has nothing to do with it, I promise.