PS Publishing commissions novella
Small publishing house, PS Publishing, have commissioned me to write a novella.
Between 20-30,000 words (compared to an average of 160,000 for a full-length Barrclay novel) it’ll certainly present a new challenge. The PS Publishing publication date is yet to be confirmed but, with only a short hardback run planned, copies are liable to be in demand.
Fear not, though, for any that miss out, Orion/Victor Gollancz will gather together four novellas by fantasy authors (watch this space for names) into a single paperback. Again, publication date to be announced.
I’ve had to think hard about this novella as I’ve not written that many shorts. I’m looking forward to the process of writing a novella which’ll be different from a full-length manuscript. The novella will be based in the Balaia, the world of The Raven but is likely to hark back in time – hundreds of years before Dawnthief.