Signing – Waterstone’s Woking, Sat Sept 11th
A reminder for those who know and a piece of hot news for those not in the know… I’ll be signing copies of Elves: Once Walked With Gods, at Waterstone’s Peacock Centre, Woking this coming Saturday 11th September between 12 noon and 1.30pm.
Actually I’ll sign any books you bring along (though protocol dictates that I should probably have authored hte books you wish me to sign) and am happy to chat about anything Raven, Elven or Ascendant you want to discuss. Get yourselves along or I’ll look terribly sad and lonely at my table all by myself surrounded by piles of my books and attended by uncomfortable booksellers with paper-thin sympathetic smiles.
So yes I’m begging you. Don’t make me do this on my own. Spare an author a few minutes of your time. Give generously. No cause is worth more than the buffing of my ego to a dazzle. I mean, look at that face. Could you make it cry? Could you? Really?