Inaugural David Gemmell Legend Award

Friday 19th June, Magic Circle HQ, London. And a result that surprised many. The award was won by Andrzej Sapkowski for Blood Of Elves ahead of the favourite, Joe Abercrombie. As Joe himself said, not too big a surprise when you see Mr S’s popularity and sales figures.

Even so, I think it was a result that set the stall for the DGLA as a truly international award and that can only be good. Joe will undoubtedly win one of these years and I might even make the shortlist sometime.

The event itself was a terrific occasion. Ideal venue, relaxed atmosphere and style and many a glass raised to the memory of David Gemmell.

I did my bit, opening the event with the call to arms speech of Druss on the walls of Dros Delnoch and then, later, running the auction. Got to say I had GREAT fun doing the auction. And people were very kind to say they’d enjoyed it too. I left with my ego suitably buffed and I hope I’m invited back to do it again next year. David Devereux and I are threatening to show up in white tie which I think would be rather splendid.

The search has begun for an opening speech for next time as I think doing the same one each time would get tired very quickly. i was very pleased with my delivery of the speech and again, would welcome the chance to do another next year. Or perhaps a two-hander…

All in all, a great event and gorgeous prizes for winner and nominees made by the Raven Armoury. Thanks to all, particularly Debbie Miller, for making it a night to remember.

Oh, and finally a massive big-up to Bragelonne for their magnificent support. As always, gentlemen, you are close to perfect.

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One Response to “Inaugural David Gemmell Legend Award”

  1. Kyle Nopeman says:

    класные все…

    Маркетолог, аналитик Friday 19th June, Magic Circle HQ, London. And a result that surprised many…..

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• June 22nd, 2009 • Posted in News • Comments: 1