It’s Sunday afternoon and after a very long but splendid Saturday in the pub watching football and rugby (great to see England triumph over France!), I’ve woken late and with a stiff neck. But, there’s no rest. I’ve got an email interview to finish off for a website in Poland who are publishing it in tandem with Noonshade coming out over there in a week or so. There’s another interview sitting there waiting to be done and that’ll be sorted this week. Elsewhere, Noonshade is also coming out in France soon – ‘Noir Zenith’ hits the shelves on 25th February. And it looks finally as though Light Stealer, my novella with PS Publishing, will be out this month. Apologies to all those who have been waiting for their copies. That wait will soon be at an end. Let me know what you think of it. And tomorrow? Well, tomorrow is that day in every year that sends the butterflies going again. I’ll be firing up Word, and writing the words ‘Chapter 1, page 1′ of my new book. Ahead stretches another year of writing about The Raven. And it’s going to be the last, at least for the time being. I have very mixed feelings about it. Still, it makes me determined that this book will be the best.

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• February 16th, 2003 • Posted in News • Comments: 0