The Raven are back
Yes, the seventh Raven book is coming. The title is ‘Ravensoul’ and follows on from the events of Demonstorm (in book terms, ten years after the final battles in Demonstorm and the escape of the surviving members of The Raven back to Balaia).
Ravensoul is about how honour and love transcend the boundary of life and death; and how greed and the lust for power can put at risk the lives, and deaths, of everyone.
Ravensoul is published in the UK in July 2008.
good news after shadow heart i bought all the books though i had to hunt for light stealer god bless amazon can’t wait for this
Hey James, Fantastic, didn’t think you’d ever go back to the Raven, though will be sad without Hirad. Can’t wait, though suppose will have to! sigh!
Brave Man! I’ve literally just finished ready Demonstorm – still fairly in shock. I’ve re-read the end of the penultimate chapter a couple of times – you really pulled it off, a rollercoaster of emotions.So – Brave for that ending – and brave to resurrect them!Good Luck!
I very much enjoyed the Raven books – the first 3 seemed to tidy up the story and we weren’t expecting more, then the next 3 came along and advanced the Raven story further and again was a very good series. I am warily optimistic for the 7th book, and I’m hoping it’ll finish off this storyline once and for all. Not that I don’t throughly enjoy it, but you can stretch a story too thin – so please don’t contemplate an 8th book!Having said that, I’d love to see a third Estoria book, I think there’s more to be told there
i think i’m in love! yay! another book!!
Mmm… Ravensoul… hurry along July…oh, and the great Mr. Barclay, please please please do contemplate even more raven-based books. i really enjoyed Demons Touch and Light Stealer.
ANother book?Jesus! I accept in the first place the end of the story!But i’m quite happy thet the story continues.Life can start again!
I´ve finished Demonstorm Part 2 yesterday. I was so shocked that I cried for two hours. Really!Still I´m happy to hear the good news !! But as I´m from Germany it´ll take some time until I can read the german version….:(BUT: I´ts really worth waiting :DPS:I´ll miss Hirad and Thraun!!! :'((Bring them back!!!
i’m happy to learn that we could read a new chapter of ravens story. It will be published in the UK on jully 2008 by i’m a frenchy and when it will be published in france???I’m very fond of raven story… Good work james. I think that I couldn’t wait and i will buy it on jully. See U…and sorry for my bad english
Every time I remember you’re writing this book, I squee to the amount that my friends are concerned. I tell them, ‘You HAVE to read the books, then you’ll understand. HP just cannot compare.’
Harry potter needs to be stabbed in the eye and sent to be pulped with the rest of the naff books with worn, predicable and throughally boring plotlines. Not like any of Mr B’s stuff, of course
Ravensoul is published in the UK in July 2008.But… When Ravensoul is publishes in German language?Best greetings!P.S.: The best Fantasybooks ever!Hirad and Ilkar are so cool!
Four years is a long time to mourn. Can’t wait until July 2008. Thank you for writing this new instalment to the ‘Raven’ Have to say I am enjoying the ‘Ascendants’ Once again thank you
I wonder how you (James Barclay) write two books at once, AKA, ravensoul and third book of Estoria. Also, it kind of funny to imagine Unknown, a 60 year old man in battle…
Not as tricky as you might think. There is no third Estorea book (at least not yet) and so I only had the one novel to write. Sort of.As for the Unknown, well, read and find out. I know much and I will tell you, of course, absolutely nothing…
Thanks for ravensoul….fantastic to see them back again lets hope and prey that they will be another sojourn for the raven in future….or how about some tales of their mecenary days must be plenty of adventures which we the unknowing public would love to hear about……